The Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía – IDAE), as part of its programme for providing assistance to improve the use of transport, reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions, has awarded Rallo Servicios Logísticos a grant to help implement a mobility system through which it will reduce its fuel consumption and emissions.
The company’s strategic framework is based on contributing to achieving the goals set by the country in terms of improving energy efficiency, the use of renewable energies and other low-carbon technologies.
Accordingly, IDAE is dedicated to spreading information and offering training, technical advice, developing special programmes and financing replicable technical innovation projects. Likewise, the Institute undertakes intense work throughout the world as part of the framework of various European programmes and in cooperation with third countries.
This programme provides help for global actions to change usage habits and encourage a more efficient use of modes of transport (by the National Energy Efficiency Fund). It aims to foster a change in the mobility of people and goods towards more efficient methods, as well as to make better use of transport by reducing the final energy consumption and CO2 emissions within the transport sector, which is responsible for 40% of Spanish energy consumption.